The Pivot system applied to the Roulette game
Roulette Systems - Combination Bets - 'Pivot Method'
The Pivot system applied to the Roulette game
Roulette Systems Combination Bets 'Pivot Method'

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The Pivot System - Roulette Strategies and Tips.
The Pivot System reckons that numbers that repeat will repeat again (and here we say they might, but the difficulty is in the prediction). The amount bet is the same for every spin (flat betting). If the same number comes up again you will post a profit (or you'll break-even if it drops in on the 35th spin).
Pivot System: Online roulette system - Roulette UK
The Pivot System may be one of the easiest roulette strategies to grasp, next to the One Hit Wonder system. The main idea that you bet on one single number also improves its popularity, since the pay-out of a single bet makes for quite a high win.
Pivot Betting Strategy - Advantages & Disadvantages for ...
The Pivot system is an uncomplicated method of tracking numbers and betting to while away the hours playing roulette. On many occasions the numbers repeat in a nice string of sequences and a sizable increase in the starting bankroll is accomplished.
Pivot strategy -
The system is, just like any other roulette system or strategy, made for making a good chance of winning and getting a good profit. This system is really easy to use and has no chance of failure. This system is really easy to use and has no chance of failure.
Die Pivot Roulette-Strategie im Detail erklärt: Alles zu ...
Das Pivot-Roulette-Setz-System stützt sich darauf, dass sich eine einzelne Zahl innerhalb von 35 aufeinanderfolgenden Drehungen wiederholen wird.