Roulette neighbors system - it's time for revenge
Playing for 15 neighbouring numbers using Roulette Key Gold and the Racetrack
Roulette neighbour bets strategy. Two different strategies shown, better and worth.

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Weitere Informationen:
Roulette Neighbour Bets – How to Play the Neighbour and ...
If you are familiar with the European game of Roulette then you might have seen or heard of ‘neighbour bets’, AKA ‘section bets’ and ‘call bets’. The European Roulette wheel has a different layout for the numbers than the American wheel does, and included in the European game are these additional bets.
Roulette neighbour bets strategy. Two different strategies shown, better and worth.
2 strategies for playing neighbour bets on roulette: The basic one, which seems not very efficient, and then the second one, by adding split and corner extra bets to the neighbours originally played.
The Neighbours Bet (Neighbors) - How to Play This on a ...
Neighbours Bet (Neighbors) Online Roulette Guide. The most famous "Neighbours" bet (or neighbors to use the American spelling which you will see quite often) is the "Voisins du Zero Bet" or "Neighbours of Zero" which is a 9 chip bet that covers 8 numbers each side of the zero- so a bet on 17 numbers in total.
Table Neighbours - Roulette Forum
Let me tell you how I played just now and won more than 100 units very easy and fast. Play the number that just came and two neighbour numbers each up and down on the table.
Neighbour Betting System: Online roulette system - Roulette UK
How does Neighbour Betting System work? Neighbour betting system. Many players use neighbour betting while playing roulette, but why and how? It does not matter where you decide to play roulette, online, live, or offline; you can apply this system.