Canon Roulette System

What is The Cannon System (AKA The Nine Bet System)?


Arch and Big Nutz Play the Cannon System


The Canon Roulette System (brilliant!)


The Canon roulette system (brilliant!)



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The Canon roulette system (brilliant!)

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Canon Roulette System | Play Roulette Online and Test ...

The rules of this Roulette System are quite simple. The system has 12 levels with 9 numbers in each of them, and you bet one token on each number. Capital needed is 108 tokens! The system has 12 levels with 9 numbers in each of them, and you bet one token on each number.

Canon Roulette System -

The Canon System is completely mechanical, relies on flat betting, and resembles an instruction list which must be followed exactly. In this sense, it’s very straightforward and can be used by anyone, requiring quite a reasonable bankroll.

The Canon System Roulette-Bet

These are the basics of the Cannon System, I hope it is clear enough, so that you can go out and play it. If this is not enough for you and you are hungry for more mind-boggling roulette strategies go to our main systems page .

Canon Roulette System

Skip roulette content The Canon System is completely mechanical, relies on flat betting, and roulette an instruction list which must be followed exactly. Allow me to first introduce myself. I am Stan Nikov, the creator of RouletteVision who writes most of the content you will find at this website.

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Über den Autor

Chris Kaman
Chris Kaman ist Autor und Entwickler des auf dargestellten Systems zur Manipulation von Roulette.